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Website Accessibility Statement

Farmers & Merchants Bank of Ashland is committed to providing the best possible service to all of our current and future customers. It is our business to ensure our products and services are available to all who may seek them.

If you have any difficulty using or accessing our website, online, or mobile banking platforms, please contact our accessibility representative:

Robert Fricke
Phone: (402) 944-3316

Security Statement

The Farmers & Merchants Bank provides Internet banking (E-Banking) access through Certegy E-Banking Services. Certegy requires all of its divisions and companies to take proactive steps to ensure that the systems they own or participate in contain adequate security measures to limit the possibility of unintended distribution of confidential information and the potential for fraud-related losses. The Internet Banking Service Bureau runs on a robust Windows NT operating system. State of the art firewall technology is the first line of defense in preventing unauthorized access to any information housed.

Included in this operating system is the capacity to allow only secure connections by end users. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology encrypts all transmissions of web pages and data between the financial institution and its customers and renders unreadable customer information to any person or group trying to "intercept" the transmission. SSL encryption is the industry standard and is commonly used in Internet applications that require security and privacy for sensitive data.


Before the customer accesses the Internet Banking Service Bureau solution, they are required to enter their user ID and password. Without the proper login, individuals cannot see or use any web pages within the E-Banking product.

Account Number Masking and Account Aliases:

For security reasons, complete account number(s) never appear on the computer screen. When the account number needs to be displayed it appears as ###456789 instead of 123456789. Financial institutions have the flexibility to determine how many digits are "unmasked" and the masking will always occur from the left. Account "aliases" are user-defined titles for the customer account (i.e., "My Checking") and is used when displaying account information on the screen.

Secure Connection:

When consumers access their information online, their connection is automatically converted into a secure Internet communications session.

Data Encryption:

When customers access their account information or any other sensitive data, an encryption system is automatically activated to protect the transmission of information from unauthorized sources.

The relative infancy of the Internet as a broad-based communication medium when combined with the "open" nature of the Internet make it impossible to guarantee absolute confidentiality in all circumstances. However, Financial Institution continues to monitor and review security procedures to protect customer information. These measures are updated as practices change and new technology becomes available.

If you have any questions regarding these policies and procedures, please contact us at:

Farmers & Merchants Bank of Ashland
1501 Silver Street
P.O. Box 217
Ashland, NE 68003
Phone: (402) 944-3316
Fax: (402) 944-3423
Toll Free: (800) 216-1144

Internet Banking Agreement & Disclosure

This Internet Banking Agreement and Disclosure ("the Agreement") explains the terms and conditions governing the basic internet Banking Products and Services and bill pay services offered by the Farmers & Merchants Bank of Ashland ("the Bank"). All internet Banking Products and Services of any kind whatsoever offered or afforded by the Bank (including, but not limited to funds transfers, bill pay services, wire transfers, and ACH transactions) will be referred to collectively as "Internet Banking Products and Services" in the Agreement. By using any of the Internet Banking Products and Services, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions of this Agreement and authorize the Bank to use any of your accounts to execute and settle transactions and/or fees initiated by you using the Internet Banking Products and Services. The term "Business day" means all days except Saturday, Sunday and all banking holidays.

All Internet Banking Products and Services are governed by this Agreement, all applicable federal regulatory disclosures, and the Deposit Account Terms and Conditions. All applicable fee schedules published by the Bank from time to time will apply to the Internet Banking Products and Services. You are responsible for the payment of any fees incurred by you on any account, for any service, at any time. You agree to pay all such fees assessed by the Bank. Further, you agree to pay all telephone charges or fees incurred by you in accessing Internet Banking Products and Services.

Your initial use of any Internet Banking Products and Services in connection with your account at the Bank constitutes your acceptance and agreement to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and of the Deposit Account Terms and Conditions. Such initial use acknowledges your receipt and understanding of this Agreement and Deposit Account Terms and Conditions.

You agree that the Bank may, as permitted by law, provide all applicable disclosures to you electronically. You are responsible for downloading or printing the disclosures or providing the Bank with a non-electronic address to which the disclosures may be mailed.

The Bank is entitled to act upon instructions received through any Internet Banking Service under your PIN and without inquiring into the identity of the person using that PIN. However, you agree that You will not, under any circumstances, disclose your PIN by telephone or any other means to any person. You acknowledge that no person from the Bank will ever ask for your PIN, that Bank employees do not need and should not ask for your PIN. You agree never to provide your PIN to anyone, including anyone claiming to represent the Bank. You are liable for all transactions made or authorized using your PIN. The Bank has no responsibility for establishing the identity of any person or determining the validity of any transaction.

You agree that if you give your PIN to anyone or fail to safeguard its secrecy, you do so at your own risk since anyone with your PIN will have access to your accounts. You agree to notify the Bank immediately in the event your PIN is lost or stolen or is otherwise compromised. At any time, you may ask the Bank to disable your PIN.

For joint accounts, each person may have a separate PIN, or each may use a joint PIN. Each person on a joint account will be liable for all transactions that are made on that account. Each person on a joint account authorizes all transactions made by any other person on the account. Each person on a joint account agrees to be liable for the actions of the other person(s) on the account.

You hereby indemnify and release the Bank from any and all liability and agree not to make any claim against the Bank or bring any action against the Bank honoring or allowing any actions or transactions where you have authorized the person performing the action or transaction to use your account or when you have provided your PIN to that person. You agree to reimburse the Bank for any losses it suffers or any damages, injuries, costs or expenses it incurs (including attorney's fees) as a result of the Bank's honoring or allowing transactions on the account where the PIN was used.

The limitations of liability set forth in this Agreement are subject to, and limited by any state or federal law to the contrary.

The Bank has the right to modify or terminate this Agreement or the Deposit Account Terms and Conditions at any time. When making changes, the Bank will comply with all legal notice requirements. Once this Agreement is terminated, the Bank will not allow any additional transactions on the account, nor will additional Internet Banking Products and Services be permitted. If this Agreement is modified, your continued use of the Account will represent your acceptance of the changes.